Tuesday 28 August 2018


It's in the liminal space; at the intersection between the physical and the digital where my work exists. The symbiosis of these ubiquitous worlds have shaped the way we are as individuals as well as in broader society. Living in the era of click and collect, Siri and social media, it's clear that our digital actions have a very real impact in every facet of our lives.

We express our deepest desires through the portal – pouring ourselves in – instantly receiving feedback, it gargles up from the pool, a rose tinted mirror that reflects our manufactured selves, through the avatar we boost the ego and separate the wheat from the chaff.

Our digital doppelgängers mimic the age of narcissism, the unrelenting slog for success within turbulent times. With the dehumanisation of labour, high levels of debt and job insecurity means production vs. procrastination becomes pivotal in exercising the right level of lobotomisation to keep the masses at bay.

Control must be delicately implanted within the infrastructure, excavating just below the serene interface we discover a world of perversion, taboo and vice. A peek at the unknown and the thrill of the macabre goes along way to relieve us from the tedium, however, delve too far and the consequences will come rushing back into the meatspace.

This data dump is too vast to comprehend, left woozily dragging ourselves through the beige quagmire we check our feed as soon as we wake up and the last thing before we sleep. Wake, eat, repeat.

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